Picture of Fangju Designer Hostel Location, room, facilities and etc


Fangju Designer Hostel reserve:020-86007566 (CouponCode:48180) Busy or no answer, online booking please!
Catering Entertainment:0833-5092777   Meeting room reserve

Fangju Designer Hostel address: No.56 Baiyun Street,emeishanshi,Leshan,Sichuan

峨眉山方聚设计师民宿Fangju Designer Hostel

Disclaimer: We are partners of Ctrip (including Tongcheng Elong, Qunar,Zhuna, etc.), booking, Agoda and Expedia. We only provide Fangju Designer Hostel online booking service for you. Your reservation will be forwarded to the hotel by Ctrip, Tongcheng Elong and other partners. If there are problems such as liquidated damages, Tongcheng ELong or Ctrip will deduct the money and transfer it to the hotel, We are not the official website of Fangju Designer Hostel, please know.